Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Power... July 5th, 2016

All of yesterday and most of this morning I have struggled with “power”. Not the act nor the position, not even the attribute. I have struggled with the word. I have considered what power is in people, what it is in government and what it is in the world. I have looked at its being used well and at its being abused. My husband pointed out two aspects of power from the context in which it is used; as ability or position to accomplish certain things or authority or right to do same. In all cases, power walks a fence. Fall to the left and it is a negative, an imprisonment. Fall to the right and it is a positive and freeing state of mind.
The photographer who took this shot of the ocean is Lynn Watson, a high school classmate. He is faithful to take pictures of the sunrise virtually every day. His photos have shown that even from the same vantage point every day, what we see and how we perceive it is unique and in constant flux. That morning sky is always majestic, always breathtaking, always beautiful and… always changing.
I was taken by this particular picture not for its gentle tiptoeing into the day draped in brilliant ribbons of colorful splendor, but because of its evenly structured strength and silent power.  As I consider the temporary power of earthliness and the choices for misuse that we people of the world have at our fingertips it can be a terrifying state of mind. O, but that is where that strong and silent, phenomenal power of God’s wisdom and grace jump right in! He has given us good power tempered with love and self discipline. Through His grace and mercy He has shown us His truth… truth is power. It is the correct,  “right”  side of the fence. Through this power we know Jesus. Make Him known!

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